Posts by Stephanie Drouin
At the Heart of My Anxiety: A Fear of Breathing

Are there any of you out there with a lived experience of “anxiety”? Today, I gained some insight into the nature of my little anxiety friend. It feels important to share it with you.

Over the past few days, I have been feeling a consistent pain in my heart. Sometimes, I refer to this pain as anxiety. More recently, I have learned to say “my nervous system is really active right now.” For the sake of this post, I will call the pain in my heart what it is: pain.

The pain in my heart is a familiar feeling to me at this point in my life - it has been showing up on and off since I was 17 years old. I am now 28. The reasons for the pain’s appearance are different every time and sometimes difficult to identify. It becomes disruptive when it lingers and begins to consume my attention.

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